Pre RECORDED Webinar

Webinar: Biodiversity in the Built Environment: Introduction

This webinar explores the links between the construction and built environment sectors and the five main sources of biodiversity loss identified by the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES). Through case studies, the webinar explores why biodiversity enhancement should be at the heart of your projects and showcases how it can be done.

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Speakers & Panellists
• Morgan Taylor, Director, Ecology lead, Greengage
• Siobhan Kennedy, Co-Author , Engineers Ireland’s “Protecting Biodiversity, the role of engineers: Issues paper”
• Catriona Duggan, Steering Group Member, Architects Declare Ireland
• Eloise Heron, immediate outgoing chair of the SCSI sustainability group, Sustainability Group, SCSI

This webinar was recording in February 2023